A hand- held CDA sprayer for the low volume application of herbicides with ergonomic integral bottle / handle and rearward spraying for maximum safety in use.
Herbi 4
A hand-held CDA sprayer for the low volume application of herbicides. The Herbi applies large droplets to minimise any risk of spray drift or operator exposure.
Herbidome 350
Herbidome 350 is a shielded CDA sprayer for weed control, suitable for use in a wide range of weed control situations including fruit, orchards and forestry. A rotary atomiser is mounted under a flexible circular shield which rotates freely resulting in efficient weed control and significant labour savings.
Herbodome 600
A hand-held shielded CDA sprayer for the application of post emergent herbicides in row crops and Christmas trees.
Herbiflex 4
A hand-held CDA sprayer for the low volume application of herbicides in narrow bands. The Herbiflex 4 applies large droplets to minimise any risk of spray drift or operator exposure.
Designed for vehicle-mounted applications, Micromax is a spinning disc rotary atomiser for the Controlled Droplet Application (CDA) of all agrochemicals.
A hand-held weed wiper for application of systemic herbicides.
A hand-held CDA sprayer for very low volume (VLV) and ultra-low volume (ULV) application of insecticides and fungicides, using the wind to carry spray away from the operator for maximum safety in use.
Ulvamast v4
Incorporating CDA (Controlled Droplet Application) technology, Ulvamast V4 is a vehicle mounted ULV sprayer for migrant pest control.
A windproof non-spray, liquid applicator system, particularly suitable for herbicide application without affecting surrounding plants.
A hand-held weedstick for application of systemic herbicides.